Sorry for the cheese in that last sentence, but substituting "souper" for "super" when we're talkin' about that soul-warming mix of veggies, meat and broth is one of my favorite things to do. Literally! Like, if someone ran up to me in the street and demanded of me, "Molly! Name your top five favorite things to do NOW!" I'd spit out this list:
1.) Drink iced coffee
2.) Eat food
3.) Write
4.) Say "souper" instead of "super"
5.) Spend time with people I love
So am I forgiven for that hokey opener?
Yes? Okay, thank you, gracious reader.
Back to the issue at hand, the New England Country Soup Ours vs Yours Home Soup Challenge. This adorable soup company has challenged those that claim home-made to be the best-made to step up to the soup bowl. From now until January 1st, you can submit your recipe challenging any of their signature flavors, including:
New England Clam Chowder
Chicken Pomodoro
Yankee White Bean
Nana's Chicken Soup
Caribbean Black Bean
Sweet Chicken Curry
Basically, your soup needs to match up to the ingredient requirements, the number of ingredients allowed and follow the limitations (in the official rules). The prize? A summer-kickoff weekend away for two on quaint Martha's Vineyard in late May. Not too shabby!
I'm pretty pumped. Please note, I'm not saying confident. Not for a minute did I think "I've got this one in the bank." For one thing, these New England Country soups are good! And the other... the final judging will take into account how healthy the soup is and, I have to admit, I don't always cook with low-fat/low-cal in mind. But, I am trying to wean my newbie-cook self off the dependence on salt, butter and oil so this will be a good exercise. It's really hard though because things that are fatty and salty taste really good.
And, even though I've got a couple soup recipes in my arsenal, none of them match up exactly with the varieties we're allowed to challenge. So, it's prompting me to throw on the apron and dive ladle-first into a souper adventure in the kitchen.
Bring on the broth, I'm ready to start simmering!
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