The New England weather pulled the same old tricks it does every year this weekend, teasing us all with a couple summery days of blue skies and 85 degree heat that convinces us to pull out the tank tops and flip flops. But of course, overnight the clouds rolled in and the air is so thick with humidity you know the rain is about to break through, complete with expected thunder and lightning throughout the course of the day. But we New Englanders are well conditioned in the patterns of mother nature, we know to take full advantage of the sun and the warmth when it comes!
Before hitting the beach, the pool, or the backyard, the first step is always iced coffee. I'm lucky enough to have a friend whose parents have a beautiful house on Minot Beach in Scituate, Mass, so yesterday I escaped from the city and headed down to the south shore for some sun.
Although I am a long term and enthusiastic supporter of Dunkin' Donuts (from the age of 3 I was asking "MOM, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO DUNKIN' DONUTS?" during the sermons at Sunday mass), I cannot pass up an iced coffee from MaryLou's. Nothing is better than a Girl Scout Cookie flavored iced coffee on a hot day... or a Milky Way... or a Funky Fanabla...
peace, love, and iced coffee
Oh, honey, if ONLY it was during the sermon... it was during the CONSECRATION - the QUIETEST time of the mass! Girl Scout or Milky way, eh? I will remind you of this when you tell me I'm eating poorly.. xoxo It was wonderful to see you tonight... will look for the post!